Androz2091 / discord-data-package-explorer

🌀 What's really in your Discord Data package?
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Captcha failed and being redirected when running locally #44

Open Infinitay opened 3 years ago

Infinitay commented 3 years ago

I've been having issues attempting to use this tool as I couldn't load the page. Whenever I attempted to load the tool, I was met with a "Captcha failed" message. I tried it on different browsers, different Chrome profiles, and incognito, but nothing fixed the issue.

I attempted to load it locally thinking recaptcha wouldn't be loaded, but I was met with another issue. I was once again met with an issue, but this time the tools page would load and immediate redirect me to your hosted tool instead of mine hosted locally. Once again where I would fail the captcha for whatever reason.

I tried looking in the code to see where the Google's Recaptcha was being loaded and to stop it from loading, but I couldn't find it anywhere.


I realized that I was going about it wrong as there was no captcha being loaded at all as it was missing from the code after all. On top of that, I was being redirected to your hosted destination of the tool. Commenting out the following line allowed me to use the tool with no issue locally.

Other remarks

I still have no clue why I was failing the captcha when my friends weren't have an issue. I tested my recaptcha score and I was scoring a 0.9 which led me to more confusion on what was going on. Having issues locally didn't help either.

KaKi87 commented 3 years ago

I tried it on different browsers

Which ones ?

Personally I tested Brave Browser when coding DisWho.

different Chrome profiles

Including an empty one, I guess ?

Commenting out the following line allowed me to use the tool with no issue locally

Does that includes loading Discord tags instead of Unknown#0000 ?

I tested my recaptcha score and I was scoring a 0.9

How did you do this ?

What happens if you access DisWho directly, without return URL ?

Androz2091 commented 3 years ago

We just lowered the required captcha score (0.7 instead of 0.9). You may try to see if it works now.

Infinitay commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the late response.

Which ones ?

Chrome and Edge

Including an empty one, I guess ?

Yes. My main profile, a brand new profile, and guest profile.

Does that includes loading Discord tags instead of Unknown#0000 ?

Good question, but unfortunately I don't have a definitive answer. I have my privacy settings enabled on Discord. DisWho was displaying most of the data as unavailable as shown in this picture

How did you do this ?

What happens if you access DisWho directly, without return URL ?

It attempts to load the page again and fails to load captcha again. A loop.

We just lowered the required captcha score (0.7 instead of 0.9). You may try to see if it works now.

I tried again and I'm having the same issue.