Androz2091 / discord-giveaways-bot

🎁Giveways Bot using the discord-giveaways package
ISC License
202 stars 167 forks source link

TypeError: Cannot read property 'hostedBy' of undefined #78

Closed Jimmysit0 closed 3 years ago

Jimmysit0 commented 3 years ago

/home/jimmy/Fuitai/commands/giveaway/start.js:51 hostedBy: client.config.hostedBy ? : null, ^

TypeError: Cannot read property 'hostedBy' of undefined at (/home/jimmy/Fuitai/commands/giveaway/start.js:51:33) at Client. (/home/jimmy/Fuitai/index.js:179:17) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:94:5)

start.js: const ms = require('ms');

module.exports = { name: "start", run: async (client, message, args) => {

// If the member doesn't have enough permissions
if(!message.member.hasPermission('MANAGE_MESSAGES') && !message.member.roles.cache.some((r) => === "Giveaways")){
    return{embed: {color: 'RED', description: ":no_entry_sign: | You don't have the required permissions to use this command. You'll need **__MANAGE MESSAGES__** permission to use that command! Or you can create a role called `giveaways` it'll work too!"}})


// Giveaway channel
let giveawayChannel = message.mentions.channels.first();
// If no channel is mentionned
    return{embed: {color: 'RED', description: ":no_entry_sign: | You have to mention a valid channel!"}})


// Giveaway duration
let giveawayDuration = args[1];
// If the duration isn't valid
if(!giveawayDuration || isNaN(ms(giveawayDuration))){
    return{embed: {color: 'RED', description: ":no_entry_sign: | You have to specify a valid duration!"}})

// Number of winners
let giveawayNumberWinners = args[2];
// If the specified number of winners is not a number
if(isNaN(giveawayNumberWinners) || (parseInt(giveawayNumberWinners) <= 0)){
    return{embed: {color: 'RED', description: ":no_entry_sign: | You have to specify a valid number of winners!"}})

// Giveaway prize
let giveawayPrize = args.slice(3).join(' ');
// If no prize is specified
    return{embed: {color: 'RED', description: ":no_entry_sign: | You have to specify a valid prize!"}})

// Start the giveaway
client.giveawaysManager.start(giveawayChannel, {
    // The giveaway duration
    time: ms(giveawayDuration),
    // The giveaway prize
    prize: giveawayPrize,
    // The giveaway winner count
    winnerCount: giveawayNumberWinners,
    // Who hosts this giveaway
    hostedBy: client.config.hostedBy ? : null,
    // Messages
    messages: {
        giveaway: "🎊 **New giveaway!**",
        giveawayEnded: "🎉**Giveaway ended**",
        timeRemaining: "Time remaining: **{duration}**!",
        inviteToParticipate: "React with 🎉 to participate!",
        winMessage: "Congratulations, {winners}! You won **{prize}**!",
        embedFooter: "Giveaways",
        noWinner: "Giveaway cancelled, no valid participations...",
        hostedBy: "Hosted by: {user}",
        winners: "winner(s)",
        endedAt: "Ended at",
        units: {
            seconds: "seconds",
            minutes: "minutes",
            hours: "hours",
            days: "days",
            pluralS: false // Not needed, because units end with a S so it will automatically removed if the unit value is lower than 2
});{embed: {color: 'GREEN', description: `✅ | *Giveaway created in ${giveawayChannel}!*`}})

} };

Androz2091 commented 3 years ago

What's in your config.json file? (remove the token)

Jimmysit0 commented 3 years ago

{ "default_prefix": "<", "token": "my_token", "hostedBy": true


Jimmysit0 commented 3 years ago

I didn't add const config = require('./config.json'); client.config = config;

to my index, my bad.

Zeta-Squizer commented 3 years ago

so where put my token if remove that problem

Jagastrong commented 3 years ago

Same problem for me also