So, i know that there has been several bugs or questions just like this, but when I use the parseInt (also did a typeof, it was a number) it still won't work.
My code:
The Command option:
{ name: 'winners', description: 'Select a amount of winners for this giveaway', type: 'INTEGER', required: true, },
So, i know that there has been several bugs or questions just like this, but when I use the parseInt (also did a typeof, it was a number) it still won't work. My code:
The Command option:
{ name: 'winners', description: 'Select a amount of winners for this giveaway', type: 'INTEGER', required: true, },
The start case: `{ const gchannel = options.getChannel('channel') ||; const duration = options.getString('duration'); const winnnerCount = options.getInteger('winners'); const prize = options.getString('prize');
client.giveawaysManager .start(gchannel, { duration: ms(duration), winnnerCount, prize, messages: { inviteToParticipate: '', winMessage: 'Congratulations, {winners}! You won {this.prize}!', }, }) .then(async () => { successEmbed.setDescription('Giveaway was successfully started.'); return interaction.reply({ embeds: [successEmbed], ephemeral: true, }); }); } break;`