AndunHH / spacemouse

Repository for the space mouse based on four joysticks and keys
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Config comment wrong #15

Closed skorokithakis closed 2 weeks ago

skorokithakis commented 2 weeks ago

As far as I can tell, this comment is wrong:

// AX, AY, BX, BY, CX, CY, DX, DY
#define PINLIST { A1, A0, A3, A2, A7, A6, A9, A8 }

It should be AY, AX, BY, BX, CY, CX, DY, DX.

AndunHH commented 2 weeks ago

The actual implementation works in the way, that e.g. for the translation in x direction -CY and +AY are summed up. Regarding this picture: analog

Therefore, to calculate transX the second and sixth value are taken. That spoken: The comment should be in the same orientation as the calibration.h definitions.

I will describe this clearer with this updated picture in the readme.

If you finally need another x, y and z orientation for the 3d connexion driver, adjust this via the InvX etc. settings in your config.

Does this answer your question?

MikiZed commented 2 weeks ago

I agree with @skorokithakis, adn I didn't quite understand the reply.

The axis you have drawn on each joystick in black and blue are the exact opposite to what's in the note in the bottom right

Connecting like this:

// AY, AX, BY, BX, CY, CX, DY, DX
#define PINLIST { A1, A0, A3, A2, A7, A6, A9, A8 }

and looking at the serial monitor each joystick outputs the correct axis just with the wrong orientation (but that's easily fixable in the config or in 3d connection software so no big deal)

skorokithakis commented 2 weeks ago

I didn't quite understand the reply either. Even before going into the math, the PINLIST def is used to define the connections to each joystick. The given comment is simply wrong, as I didn't connect AX to A1, but to A0, no matter what happens with the math downstream.

AndunHH commented 2 weeks ago

Hm... First of all: You a right about the picture. The legend in the corner is useless, because it is wrong. Here is my next try to explain: analog

Let's try to get through this in one example and find our misunderstanding:

We calculate the translational movement of the space mouse to the right. (label with the big red X, called "TRANSX" in the source code). Therefore we need to calculate the horizontal movement of the joysticks in front of us (+A) and at the back side reversed (-C):

  1. We need the joystick value from those two axis.
  2. I named this horizontal axis of the joystick "y".
  3. The applied math is TRANSX = -CY + AY
  4. The position of the axes in the PINLIST is defined with constants in calibration.h:
    #define AY 1
    #define CY 5
  5. The horizontal axis ("y") of the joystick in front of you ("A") shall be on the index no. 1 (i.e. the second element, because the positions are zero-based) in PINLIST.

Therefore my conclusion is, that the comment at PINLIST must be the same as the numbering in calibration.h for the positions.

Is the problem maybe, that I chose the naming of the axis at the joysticks with "y = horizontal" different, than your joysticks are labelled?

I cross-checked with the original file joy4_tt_v2.ino by teaching tech, which has the same comment as my PINLIST.

int PINLIST[8] = { // The positions of the reads
  A1, // X-axis A
  A0, // Y-axis A
  A3, // X-axis B
  A2, // Y-axis B
  A7, // X-axis C
  A6, // Y-axis C
  A9, // X-axis D
  A8  // Y-axis D
AndunHH commented 2 weeks ago

I also updated the config_sample.h with more text to clarify this. Is this clear now? I'm glad somebody is trying to use this code and finds the inconsitencies.

skorokithakis commented 2 weeks ago

Ahh, yes, I see now. Yes, my joysticks have "X" and "Y" pins labelled on them, yours don't? That's what I was referring to, because, with your comment, I have to connect the pin that says "A X" in the comment to the label that says "Y" on joystick A.

skorokithakis commented 2 weeks ago

I have this joystick, you can see the labels here:


AndunHH commented 2 weeks ago

I glad, we found the issue. My joysticks are (un?)fortunately labeled otherwise .... I have to connect the "x" on the joysticks to AX in the PINLIST.

It depends on the manufacturer of the PCB how he defines the x and y, because it is so easily intermixed but fortunately fixable in software.

skorokithakis commented 2 weeks ago

Hm yeah, that's true. These joysticks are recommended by TeachingTech, so I think lots of people will have them. Maybe you can add a comment saying something like "If you have the joystick TeachingTech recommended, the pins labelled X and Y on the joystick are swapped here", or something similar, to avoid people getting confused?

AndunHH commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, I added this as a hint and I think we have sorted this puzzle! ;)