Andy-set-studio / hylia

Hylia is a lightweight Eleventy starter kit to help you to create your own blog or personal website.
MIT License
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Fix quoting in npm scripts #77

Closed charlesroper closed 5 years ago

charlesroper commented 5 years ago

Windows doesn't like single quotes, so I've updated the scripts to use escaped double-quotes (note, this is as recommended in the concurrently docs).

Fixes #69

This is what running npm start looks like now on Windows:

~\..\..\hylia2 λ master ≡ ~2 -0 !                                                                                                                             
> npm start                                                                                                                                                   

> hylia@0.4.5 start C:\Users\Charles\Dev\Websites\hylia2                                                                                                      
> concurrently "npm run sass:process -- --watch" "npm run cms:bundle -- --watch" "chokidar \"src/_includes/**\" -c \"npm run cms:precompile\"" "npm run serve"

[2] Watching "src/_includes/**" ..                                                                                                                            
[3] > hylia@0.4.5 serve C:\Users\Charles\Dev\Websites\hylia2                                                                                                  
[3] > cross-env ELEVENTY_ENV=development npx eleventy --serve                                                                                                 
[0] > hylia@0.4.5 sass:process C:\Users\Charles\Dev\Websites\hylia2                                                                                           
[0] > npm run sass:tokens && sass src/scss/global.scss src/_includes/assets/css/global.css --style=compressed "--watch"                                       
[1] > hylia@0.4.5 cms:bundle C:\Users\Charles\Dev\Websites\hylia2                                                                                             
[1] > rollup --config "--watch"                                                                                                                               
[1] rollup v1.16.1                                                                                                                                            
[1] bundles src/admin/util → dist\admin\util.js...                                                                                                            
[0] > hylia@0.4.5 sass:tokens C:\Users\Charles\Dev\Websites\hylia2                                                                                            
[0] > npx json-to-scss src/_data/tokens.json src/scss/_tokens.scss                                                                                            
[0] json-to-scss v1.3.1                                                                                                                                       
    ⚙️ C:/Users/Charles/Dev/Websites/hylia2/src/_data/tokens.json:                                                                                            
[0] ⏳ C:/Users/Charles/Dev/Websites/hylia2/src/_data/tokens.json: content converted.                                                                          
[0] ⌛ C:/Users/Charles/Dev/Websites/hylia2/src/_data/tokens.json: content converted. File created!                                                            
[0]    � C:\Users\Charles\Dev\Websites\hylia2\src\scss\_tokens.scss                                                                                           
[1] created dist\admin\util.js in 2s                                                                                                                          
[2] addDir:src\_includes\assets                                                                                                                               
[2] addDir:src\_includes\assets\css                                                                                                                           
[0] Compiled src\scss\global.scss to src\_includes\assets\css\global.css.                                                                                     
[0] Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.                                                                                                       
[2] add:src\_includes\assets\css\global.css                                                                                                                   
[2] add:src\_includes\assets\css\                                                                                                               
[3] Writing dist/admin/index.html from ./src/admin.njk.                                                                                                       
[3] Writing dist/feed.xml from ./src/feed.njk.                                                                                                                
[3] Writing dist/service-worker.js from ./src/service-worker.njk.                                                                                             
[3] Writing dist/styleguide/index.html from ./src/styleguide.njk.                                                                                             
[3] Writing dist/tags/demo-content/index.html from ./src/tags.njk.                                                                                            
[3] Writing dist/tags/code/index.html from ./src/tags.njk.                                                                                                    
[3] Writing dist/tags/blog/index.html from ./src/tags.njk.                                                                                                    
[3] Writing dist/tags/media/index.html from ./src/tags.njk.                                                                                                   
[3] Writing dist/tags/simple-post/index.html from ./src/tags.njk.                                                                                             
[2] > hylia@0.4.5 cms:precompile C:\Users\Charles\Dev\Websites\hylia2                                                                                         
[2] > make-dir dist/admin && nunjucks-precompile src/_includes > dist/admin/templates.js -i "\.(njk|css|svg)$"                                                
[3] Writing dist/index.html from ./src/                                                                                                              
[3] Writing dist/archive/index.html from ./src/                                                                                                    
[3] Writing dist/posts/a-post-with-code-samples/index.html from ./src/posts/                                                      
[3] Writing dist/posts/a-post-with-figures-and-video/index.html from ./src/posts/                                            
[3] Writing dist/posts/a-scheduled-post/index.html from ./src/posts/                                                                      
[3] Writing dist/posts/a-simple-post/index.html from ./src/posts/                                                                            
[3] Copied 6 items and Processed 15 files in 1.58 seconds (105.3ms each)                                                                                      
[3] Watching...                                                                                                                                               
[3] [Browsersync] Access URLs:                                                                                                                                
[3]  -------------------------------------                                                                                                                    
[3]        Local: http://localhost:8080                                                                                                                       
[3]     External:                                                                                                                    
[3]  -------------------------------------                                                                                                                    
[3]           UI: http://localhost:3001                                                                                                                       
[3]  UI External: http://localhost:3001                                                                                                                       
[3]  -------------------------------------                                                                                                                    
[3] [Browsersync] Serving files from: dist
Andy-set-studio commented 5 years ago

Awesome. Thanks so much @charlesroper!

charlesroper commented 5 years ago

Pleasure! 😄