Andy-set-studio /

In this Eleventy course, we go from a completely empty directory to a full-blown marketing site for a design agency, and along the way, we dive really deep into Eleventy and front-end development best practices.
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Why not build the site using 11ty? #28

Open zemian opened 2 years ago

zemian commented 2 years ago

Hey there, great job on providing this tutorial! I am learning 11ty myself, and I think it is much more gentle and easier to learn compare to the official 11ty docs. Good job there!

I just can't help but see that the is built using VuePress (which I think it is also a good SSG!). It is just ironic that you are teaching others to use 11ty, and yet you choose not to use it to build the tutorial site itself. I think it will be more convincing and bring more confidence to readers if you rebuilt the site using 11ty instead?

MattWilcox commented 2 years ago

Different software for different purposes.

Documentation is a "solved issue" if you're using software specifically designed to make documentation - why do all of that work again manually? What benefit is that?

jchidley commented 1 year ago

The argument that documentation is a “solved issue” would be more convincing if developers, like Vue, weren’t building things like VuePress, “to support the documentation needs of Vue’s own sub projects.”