Andy-set-studio /

In this Eleventy course, we go from a completely empty directory to a full-blown marketing site for a design agency, and along the way, we dive really deep into Eleventy and front-end development best practices.
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Lesson 22: Broken link to starter files #4

Closed davidwittenbrink closed 2 years ago

davidwittenbrink commented 2 years ago


I just started with Lesson 22 (Global CSS and design tokens) and found a small issue: The links to the starter files seem to be broken. The code references {{starterFiles }} but I didn't find the variable in the project.

I have the zip file on my disk and also found the old download link from which is still working. If you want I can send a PR to fix this by either using the old Piccalilli link or adding the zip file to a ./public/files directory. Do you have a preference?

koppel commented 2 years ago

For anyone looking, this URL seems to work:

Andy-set-studio commented 2 years ago

Good catch. Just switched that out. Thank you!