AndyClifton / accessibility

A CTAN-compliant version of the LaTeX `accessibility` package
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port to luatex #33

Open viktoriasee opened 4 years ago

viktoriasee commented 4 years ago

Right now the package runs on pdftex only. But this converter is obsolete, we should use luatex, don't we? I like how easily OT fonts can be used with luatex. So please make the package work with luatex.

rhansen commented 4 years ago

But this converter is obsolete

pdfTeX is not obsolete, but I agree that it would be good to support LuaTeX.

I tried the following in my LuaLaTeX document but got a cryptic error that I haven't yet figured out how to debug (! A <box> was supposed to be here.):

viktoriasee commented 4 years ago

I don't get the same error. With this minimal example



I get an error ! Undefined control sequence in accessibility.sty line 65 trying to run it through luatex.

rhansen commented 4 years ago

The \usepackage{luatex85} line must go before the \usepackage{accessibility} line, not after.

viktoriasee commented 4 years ago

Great! We're a big step forward then. No error anymore using LuaTeX 1.11.2.





Validates like this: pac3-latex-accessibility-minimal_v2

AndyClifton commented 4 years ago

I think that this should be looked at again after we deal with #12 and #34 (i.e. MVP functionality of the accessibility package).

It's likely that this could become it's own little mini-project, so I have added a new milestone (port to luatex).

viktoriasee commented 4 years ago

I agree.