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posts/writing-commandline-tools-argumentparser-part1/ #14

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Writing Command Line Tools in Swift Using ArgumentParser, Part 1: Introduction & Basic Usage • Andy Ibanez

SwiftSIQI commented 3 years ago

first picture in this blog is missing? Would you fix this problem?

AndyIbanez commented 3 years ago

@SketchK can you tell me what paragraph? I’m not sure if it’s mobile Safari, but I can’t see any broken images.

AndyIbanez commented 3 years ago

I see the broken image in Safari desktop. Thanks. A fix is underway.

olekrisek commented 3 years ago

The USAGE: line prints "Usage: character-count " - While your app name is different. How to make the usage line print correct app name ?

acalism commented 2 years ago

If I drag a ParsableCommand file to my iOS app, is there any suitable way to invoke it?

Bruce-pac commented 1 year ago

How to use UserDefaults in CommandLine Tools?

OldLessMess commented 1 year ago

Hi Andy, here is the Old Fart from Poland, programming for Apple since Good Ol Days of classic OS and for iPhone from the first web apps :) I just want to thank you for the amount of work you put in this explanation which speeds up my transition from objectiveC to swift significantly. I know it is almost 2023 but since now objectiveC was still relevant, ha ha.

coelle commented 4 months ago

Following this great tutorial using Xcode 15.2 my CLI app crashed with the error (swift-argument-parser 1.3.0):

dyld[4331]: Library not loaded: @rpath/ArgumentParser.framework/Versions/A/ArgumentParser
  Referenced from: <32808628-891C-3044-8EDE-6C2DD613925B> /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CliDemo-acsvifalnxmjlohaegdzmiypljya/Build/Products/Debug/CliDemo
  Reason: tried: '/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CliDemo-acsvifalnxmjlohaegdzmiypljya/Build/Products/Debug/ArgumentParser.framework/Versions/A/ArgumentParser' (no such file),
<a lot more deleted>

To resolve this, remove the generate-manual entry from the Frameworks and Libraries section of the target.

To avoid that problem, select none in the Add to Target column for the generate-manual line when adding the swift-argument-parser package.