AndyObtiva / glimmer-dsl-gtk

Glimmer DSL for GTK - Ruby-GNOME Desktop Development GUI Library
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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[Just information] The oekaki gem in ruby-gtk2 #7

Open rubyFeedback opened 2 years ago

rubyFeedback commented 2 years ago

Heya Andy,

This is just (or mostly) information.

There is a fairly old gem called: oekaki

It requires gtk2 aka ruby-gtk2. Not sure if gtk2 works well on OSX but anyway, if you ever have time, install the gem and try it out:

Download link to the latest gem:

Latest release already 4 years ago ... so it seems no longer ative.

If you extract the .gem, there are several examples. These are the things I want to bring to your attention, the examples. They work on my linux machine too, so it is fairly old code but still works.

Try to run these examples.

One fast screenshot for one of these examples:

Here above ^^ is one example currently being drawn. It is basically using the draw functionality of Gdk/GC in gtk. I think you are doing something similar in libui or across the whole glimmer suite (e. g. the polygon thing you did; I am not aware of how far you progressed, e. g. I saw the polyogns and stuff but I am not sure how many animated components are added to glimmer yet).

I am trying to polish the code base of oekaki and port it to ruby-gtk3 but I'd have to read up on what things changed between gtk2 and gtk3, so I am not sure when I can do so (just switching to gtk3 does not work, it has an issue with Gdk::GC or something).

But the old examples in ruby-gtk2 work fine still and I think it may be itneresting to you to just get a quick glance and overview, in the event that you may want to have more custom control elements and drawings and what not. These could all be nice for UI elements too, e. g. an animated border or something. Or even just a glimmer logo drawn or something. :dagger:

So this is really a "just information" and "give ideas", not so much a "implement everything" issue again. :D

Either way that's it! Glimmer on. \o/