AndyObtiva / glimmer-dsl-swt

Glimmer DSL for SWT (JRuby Desktop Development Cross-Platform Native GUI Framework) - The Quickest Way From Zero To GUI - If You Liked Shoes, You'll Love Glimmer!
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[Documentation, mostly] Glimmer DSL for SWT Video: Playlist? (Small issue request) #19

Closed rubyFeedback closed 2 years ago

rubyFeedback commented 2 years ago

Hey there Andy,

I see you linked in to the videos from the main README e. g. here:

If you have some time and it may not be too much effort, would it be possible to add direct URLs / Links to these? For instance:

Video 1: URL here
Video 2: URL here

and so forth? Perhaps a table in the README so that a visitor can quickly click on these, a bit like a playlist on youtube? You already added a playlist there but I think it may be useful to provide direct links too, for people to quickly find it. For instance, I found that playlist by first going to your blog, then clicking on the video, and then in youtube clicking on that playlist collection. So perhaps a direct link from the github README/repository may be helpful; might find more people too. Some are lazy and will only click on github and may not go to the blog because they are so lazy ... :P

Rationale: some of the videos are, I believe, more useful for some visitors than others. I believe in either Video 2 or 3 you spoke about the mixin-based or class-based approach for glimmer (e. g. to integrate modules and extend a glimmer-app; this is probably the use case I will need the most when writing glimmer applications, so that I can retain some flexibility in my own code, e. g. when I would like to tap into glimmer, but also retain the flexibility to have the same code base work with gtk. Kind of a bit of a hybrid meta DSL or something. I am buzzword-chaining there ... :D )

Anyway - I believe direct URLs to the videos may be very convenient. Right now this may not be super-important since there are ~5 videos, but perhaps at the end of the year there may be +10 videos already, so a quick link/table may perhaps be useful. Either way glimmer on! \o/

AndyObtiva commented 2 years ago


I added general links at the beginning and end of the README and at the top of each sample that has a video tutorial (people can easily navigate to specific videos after they go to my blog or youtube).

In fact, you can subscribe to the Glimmer channel and get alerted automatically when new videos are uploaded.

As mentioned before, the class-based custom widget approach is only supported in Glimmer DSL for SWT and Glimmer DSL for Opal at the moment. It is not available in Glimmer DSL for GTK and other Glimmer DSLs yet. However, the plan is to include it in all Glimmer GUI DSLs eventually.
