AndyTaylorTweet / solis2mqtt

Python Scripts for pulling data from your Solis 5G inverter, and pushing that to eMonPi MQTT
MIT License
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Installation on common raspi4 #1

Open Oskar70 opened 1 week ago

Oskar70 commented 1 week ago

Hi, is it possible to use your software on a common raspi4 or can be used on an emonPi only?

MW0MWZ commented 1 week ago

It's just python, it expects to log to MQTT, you can change the db name / username etc etc in the script, the defaults are suitable for emonPi but you can change it to whatever you want.

You might have issues with other Solis inverters if you don't have the same model as mine, I'm not sure how standard they are exactly...

Oskar70 commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the quick answer. I guess you also live in Europe. I have a Solis 3phase 4G inverter with a Wifi-Dongle serial-no.: 40.... I am keen to fetch actual power and total yield without using SolisCloud. Will let you know my experience.

MW0MWZ commented 1 week ago

there are modules that might suit you better, the python pysolarmanv5 python module does the work here, and my code just uses that, pulls what I care about and dumps it into MQTT, I also query the inverter using a module in home-assistant.

The Wi-Fi dongle is a flaky device at the best of times, you will find times you cannot read it, it happens. <- gret resource...

The next challenge is knowing that register(s) to poll for information... this isn't trivial to work out... 3xxxx is read-only registers, polling those is safe, I think I looked at the home-assistant module to find the numbers I wanted to poll.