AndyTheFactory / newspaper4k

📰 Newspaper4k a fork of the beloved Newspaper3k. Extraction of articles, titles, and metadata from news websites.
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[BUG] Google News link schema changed? #645

Open moehmeni opened 1 month ago

moehmeni commented 1 month ago

For decoding Google News URLs into their real ones, I am getting error

import base64
import re

# Some url encoding related constants
_ENCODED_URL_RE = re.compile(
_ENCODED_URL_RE = re.compile(
_DECODED_URL_RE = re.compile(rb'^\x08\x13".+?(?P<primary_url>http[^\xd2]+)\xd2\x01')

def prepare_gnews_url(url):
    # There seems to be a case when we get a URL with
    # see
    # Also, the URL is directly decoded, no need to go through

    match = _ENCODED_URL_RE.match(url)
    encoded_text = match.groupdict()["encoded_url"]
    # Fix incorrect padding. Ref:
    encoded_text += "==="
    decoded_text = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(encoded_text)

    match = _DECODED_URL_RE.match(decoded_text)

    primary_url = match.groupdict()["primary_url"]
    primary_url = primary_url.decode()
    return primary_url

# Test the function
url = ""
result = prepare_gnews_url(url)
print("Result:", result)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groupdict'

I think they changed recently while it was working before.

ljiang22 commented 1 month ago

I got the same error. Not sure if google changed anything. Does anyone have an idea about it?

bckenstler commented 1 month ago


trentinrossi commented 1 month ago

Same issue

renatocaliari commented 1 month ago

Same here

Nyveon commented 1 month ago

It seems a solution was figured out here and @Glyphosate69 wrote a python version. Maybe this can replace the prepare_gnews_url internal function? It's working for our use case at least