Angel-ML / PyTorch-On-Angel

PyTorch On Angel, arming PyTorch with a powerful Parameter Server, which enable PyTorch to train very big models.
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make failed at: error: ‘as_variable_ref’ is not a member of ‘torch::autograd’ return torch::autograd #112

Closed HCMY closed 2 years ago

HCMY commented 2 years ago

hey guys, I've encounted a promlem at make statge

PyTorch-On-Angel/cpp/include/angel/pytorch/model.h:71:33: error: ‘as_variable_ref’ is not a member of ‘torch::autograd’ return torch::autograd::as_variable_ref(p.value); .... Cmake[2]: [CMakeFiles/torch_angel.dir/src/angel/pytorch/] Interrupt make[2]: [CMakeFiles/torch_angel.dir/src/angel/pytorch/] Interrupt make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/torch_angel.dir/all] Interrupt

my env is: python 3.7 jdk 1.8 maven 3.6.2 gcc 7.1.0 libtorch 1.9.0 pytorch 1.9.0 cmake 3.12.2 cuda 10.2

is anyone knows how to solve it? thanks a lot!

ouyangwen-it commented 2 years ago


HCMY commented 2 years ago

请使用1.5.0版本的pytorch和libtorch,readme主页有版本要求说明 非常感谢!