Dear all,
I am trying to connect my AngelSensor to a Windows PC using this community's examples. and a BlueGiga BLE112 dongle, but I am facing two problems:
1) I can only activate the AngelSensor (which I tested using the app) if connected to USB. I cannot activate it otherwise
2) I tried Experiment 1 (using the command python -a 00:07:80:78:ca:a3) and I get the following error:
Reset BLED112
Connecting to A3:CA:78:80:07:00
BLED112 thread started
Enumerating Heart Rate Service
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 266, in <module>
File "", line 256, in main
hrHandle = SubscribeToHeartRateProcedure(ble).run()
File "", line 207, in run
groups = self.ble.readByGroupType(1, 0xFFFF, Uint16(int(GATT_PRIMARY_SERVICE
B File "", line 185, in readByGroupType
LED112 thread stopped
File "", line 155, in completeProcedure
msg = self.waitRemote(AttClientProcedureCompleted())
File "", line 127, in waitRemote
if not msg: raise BleRemoteTimeout()
Can anybody help with this issue? thank you in advance.
Is it possible that the AngelSensors are actually the problem? I really cannot activate them without connecting to a USB port in a computer ... Anybody faced similar issues?
Dear all, I am trying to connect my AngelSensor to a Windows PC using this community's examples. and a BlueGiga BLE112 dongle, but I am facing two problems:
1) I can only activate the AngelSensor (which I tested using the app) if connected to USB. I cannot activate it otherwise
2) I tried Experiment 1 (using the command
python -a 00:07:80:78:ca:a3
) and I get the following error:Can anybody help with this issue? thank you in advance.
All the best, Eduardo.