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Walkthrough questions #4

Open ariroseonline opened 10 years ago

ariroseonline commented 10 years ago

@nt591 @bfreiber @karollorak

We can adapt these into questions (requires some data analysis) Please add more along the way in the comments...

(Taken from a Petfinder article)

Match your personalities

karollorak commented 10 years ago
karollorak commented 10 years ago

Let's figure out the priority order.

Zip Code and Radius

What type of space do you have? Punny option 1, 2, 3 to dictate small, medium, large dog choices

What is your activity level? Punny option 1, 2, 3 to dictate easy going, regular and working dogs

My household already has ...? Punny option 1, 2, 3 to dictate characteristics (cats, dogs, kids)

Experience level with dogs? Punny option 1, 2, 3 to dictate easy, medium and difficult to train dogs

How much maintenance would you be ok with? Zero (short hair), Some (medium coat), High (long or double coats)

Preferred Age? Young, Adult, Senior

Would you be ok with your perfect dog having special needs? Maybe options for specific needs? Blind, 3-legged, etc.

Male or Female? Male, female no preference

Looking for a specific breed? Search bar with autofill and multiple options separated by commas

karollorak commented 10 years ago

@ariroseonline - {{ stuff inbetween these visitor does not see }}

ANYONE feel free to change any of the copy. english is my second language soooo whatevah whateva. @nt591 @bfreiber

{{1}} What type of space do you have? I have a small apartment with no yard access. {{dictates small dog}} I have an apartment with with plenty of walk times allotted. {{medium dog}} I have a house with yard access. {{large dog}}

{{2}}What is your activity level, with a pet in mind? I like to take it easy and relax with a snuggle buddy. {{dictates lowest agility}} A total weekend warrior and want a pet that can handle both. {{medium agility}} I exercise often and want a pet that can keep up. {{highest agility}}

{{3}} What is your experience level with dogs? This is my first dog! {{easy trainability}} I’ve had a few dogs but this is my first adoption. {{medium trainability}} I’ve trained many dogs in my time. {{hard to train}}

{{4}}How much maintenance would you be ok with? As little as possible {{short hair}} Groomers every now and then are fine. {{medium hair}} I don’t mind the shedding and grooming! {{long hair}}

{{5}}Select all ages you would like to see Young Adult Senior

{{6}}Zip Code

{{7}} Are you looking for a male or female? Male Female No preference

{{8}} Are any of these already in your family? Baby icon Cat icon Dog icon

karollorak commented 10 years ago


lets try this background colors at maybe 87% transparency? if you hate them fine. blah.

1: #1AAFE2 2: #1BE0A8 3: #3DBC02 4: #D6C922 5: #E86638 6: #E50000 7: #633EFF 8: #5EAAFC

karollorak commented 10 years ago


States: When sparkles are clicked on: modals-1-0-01

When an option is picked, the other options fade and the next word and arrow appear. modals-1-1-01

What multiple choice looks like: (and also what the REVEAL button looks like when hovered over) modals-2-1-01

Zip Code: modals-3-1-01

That last page: baby and cat are selected (ignore weird coloring on dog ear) ad dog is faded. Also this blue kind of stinks. modals-4-1-01