Angelmmiguel / pm

The easy way to switch between your projects on ZSH
MIT License
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Asking for remove file ~/.pm/version on each run #5

Closed brpaz closed 5 years ago

brpaz commented 6 years ago

hello. Every time I run pm command, I get the following message printed in the terminal:

rm: remove regular file '/home/bruno/.pm/version'?

After that the command runs as usual.

Angelmmiguel commented 6 years ago

Hello @brpaz,

Thank you for creating the issue. What shell are you using? bash or zsh?

brpaz commented 6 years ago

zsh, on Linux Mint 18.3

NeodarZ commented 5 years ago


yes I reply after 1 year...

But I have this problem and for me the problem is that is use this alias in my zshrc : alias rm="rm -i".

So just remove this alias and this problem disappear.

Now I have understand the stupidity of an alias who completely replace the original command...

Angelmmiguel commented 5 years ago

Np @NeodarZ, this kind of things usually happen.

Sorry about the long time @brpaz, but to be honest, I'm not maintaining this project very actively. Could you fix the issue? Is it related with the @NeodarZ one?
