Angry-Pixel / The-Betweenlands

A dark, hostile environment...
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[Suggestion] Airship warfare #1042

Open theishiopian opened 4 years ago

theishiopian commented 4 years ago

The new Draeton airships are an amazing addition to the mod, especially with the mobs that attack you while flying it. I have some ideas how to improve the experience even more.

-bombing: when an angry pebble is used in an airship, it should spawn underneath the boat and fall, making them into bombs. Additionally, shift-using an elixer from an airship should have a similar effect.

-flotation: the draeton currently does not float on water. Given that it is a boat, this should be fixed.

-cannons (sort of): affixing animated spirit tree masks to the side of your ship should give you rudimentary cannons. They will fire spit at anything hostile, and will also fire at things you attack, making them great for ship to ship battles.

-grappling hooks: when used on a ship, a grappling hook should grab other ships and pull them closer. They should also let you latch onto terrain and pull yourself in.

-portable repeller: mounted in the anchor slot, gives your ship a portable shield. Flickers under concentrated fire, reducing effectiveness, and has a much lower byaris capacity.

-nest: allows your pullers to hide in the airship while docked, useful for raised islands. placed in the anchor slot.

-matriarch raiding party: an enslaved chiromaw matriarch ridden by multiple greeblings. Has multiple slingshot attacks, as well as a melee attack from the matriarch. the greeblings can use a grappling hook to pull in escaping players/airships, and the matriarch has multiple ridden chiromaws as escorts. They spawn in taken-over nests, which have little greebling houses built into them. Breaking the houses gets you some loot.

-lantern: the boat lantern should be mountable on the draeton

-volarkite auto-use: using a volarkite on an airship auto-dismounts you and deploys the kite.

spiderking23 commented 4 years ago

Simple, but very immersive. Great Idea.