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Project is null #20

Closed dapperdandev closed 6 years ago

dapperdandev commented 6 years ago

After importing a loal project, I'm unable to view the project. I receive the error: The project is null.


agiledigits commented 6 years ago

Could it be that your project is an AngularJS one with TypeScript source code?

dapperdandev commented 6 years ago

Nope. It's Angular 5.2:

agiledigits commented 6 years ago

Apparently the regex in this snippet tripped up the AST parser: const jwtConf = { config: { tokenGetter: tokenGetter, whitelistedDomains: [ /^null$/ ], throwNoTokenError: true } };

As a result, the NgModule info could not be obtained from AppModule. Unfortunately it's in one of the angular packages and we don't have a workaround yet. You might want to move this snippet to a separate file to unblock the project analysis.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Okay. I'll import it from another file and see if that solves it. Thanks for the follow up.