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(New developer-friendly) ngUpgrade - Angular 2 for the Angular 1.x developer -- Samuel Skeen #4

Open cwadrupldijjit opened 8 years ago

cwadrupldijjit commented 8 years ago

Learning AngularJS had been a struggle for me to learn at first--new vocabulary, $scope, digest cycle, controllers, the whole nine yards. Having been a developer for only half a year didn't help at all, still learning JavaScript on top of that.

Then all of that clicked. That took me many months of agonizing over data-binding, routing issues, and countless failed API calls using $http and $q. Eventually, I understood how data got places, built applications with authentication (which is its own headache inside a headache), and made a simple real-time forum. I can build robust, responsive apps, and knowing that gives me a very freeing feeling compared to the brick-wall experience not so long ago.

Switching between and learning new frameworks is often difficult, particularly when the syntaxes and behaviors are completely different than the way your mind works and even more especially when switching from another complex framework like unto Angular 1.x.

You'll find that Angular 2 is no exception. It'll still be an effort to learn, but for every bit that Angular 1.x was super difficult to learn for me, I realized that Angular 2 was 10 times easier to learn. Even without prior Angular 1.x knowledge and just a bit of experience with object-oriented or JavaScript programming, the barrier of entry is much lower now than it ever was before.

Whether you're somewhat interested in what an Angular 2 application looks like, or want to upgrade gradually from Angular 1.x, or even if you're still learning, come learn the new hotness that is Angular 2. I assure you, it'll be worth your while!

If you're interested, +1 this issue and take a look at my ng2-parallax project, which is a great place to see Angular 2 code in action.

cwadrupldijjit commented 8 years ago

@waltercodes @kensnyder :

This is ready, whenever you're interested in having it. I just wasn't sure if anyone had seen this.

waltercodes commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I've been slow to review these. We'd love to have you present next week. :+1: How much time would you like? Once I have that info, I'll get you scheduled.

cwadrupldijjit commented 8 years ago

You're fine, Walter! I'd say that most people tend to forget to check the issues on the repo. I'm good with taking the same amount of time as it currently says on (about 40 mins, right?). Thanks for getting back to me!

And just so you know, if @kellerchch would like to go through the second half of the tutorial, I bet we could make it work. Otherwise, I'd be willing to take up that time.

cwadrupldijjit commented 8 years ago

If he is going to be presenting, it might be better if he goes first, or if he wants to go last, I could. Maybe I could intro to Angular 2, and kellerchch would be able to take it from there and do the second part of the tutorial.

But he hasn't answered on the other issue...

waltercodes commented 7 years ago


kensnyder commented 7 years ago

5/23/2017 - got 50% votes of interest

cwadrupldijjit commented 7 years ago

I remember presenting this ages ago. If people still want it, I can come back and do it again, though with a bit more polish and a ready repo.