Currently,GroupBox view itself is not clickable by default. This limits its functionality, as users cannot use it to navigate to different views within the application.
Improved User Experience: Clickable GroupBoxes provide a more intuitive way for users to interact with grouped information. They can easily navigate to related views by clicking on the groupbox itself.
Enhanced Organization and Flow: Clickable GroupBoxes help structure content and guide users towards detailed information or functionalities.
Consistency: Clickable elements are a common interaction pattern in mobile apps. Implementing this feature aligns with user expectations and existing interaction models.
Acceptance Criteria:
Clicking on a GroupBox should trigger navigation to a designated view.
The navigation behavior should work seamlessly across all supported iOS versions and device orientations.
Visual cues, such as a subtle change in opacity or cursor appearance on hover, should indicate that the GroupBox is clickable.
Consider providing an optional modifier (similar to NavigationLink) to configure the navigation behavior (e.g., push, pop, or present modally).
view itself is not clickable by default. This limits its functionality, as users cannot use it to navigate to different views within the application.Benefits:
Acceptance Criteria: