AniCricKet / musical-guacamole

Blog used for AP Computer Science A journey
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NATM Extra Credit Reviews #5

Open AniCricKet opened 7 months ago

AniCricKet commented 7 months ago

Group 1 HOOK: Points: 3.7 Reason: Nice presentation, demonstrated everything needed. Starts off with a home page that sets up for everything needed. KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.9 Reason: Able to explain how chatgpt pretty well. However, I don't see much further use as I see its pretty broad

VALUE: Points: 0.8 Reason: Really good to use specifically for all CS Classes at Del Norte.

WOW FACTOR: 0.1 Pretty creative. What worries me is that when people use the SMS website, people would just spam phone numbers and probably send phishing links to these phone numbers. So more of a scary than a WOW

Score = 8.4

Group 2 HOOK: 3.6 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: It was interesting to see a functioning Zelda game. I like the working animations, like an actual game operating. It would be better if it were a homepage for other games like the Zelda game and the Tic Tac Toe game. If there were a home page to keep everything organized, it would make things look more attractive. Styling would make things look a lot better. KNOWLEDGE: 3.9 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Clear understanding of how object-oriented programming works. It's pretty impressive how the game loops and animates the characters. Used the VALUE: Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: 0.9 Being able to input and output stuff in Tic Tac Toe, in addition to the gameplay. May help set up for other projects. WOW FACTOR: Good Reason: Amazing animations. Could've been better if the bug in Zelda was fixed, otherwise would've given a 1.0. So far, connections between parts are hard to see. Score: 8.4

Group 3 Hook: 4 Reason: It pulled me in when starting with a login page. The presentation is clear. Amazing how they used Python arrays to manage a chess game. Loved the chat application Knowledge: 3.9 Reason: Demonstrates how the chatbot works and how chess game moves were saved. Explains how the backend for chat and chess game works. However, since AWS wasn't working, this means no multiplayer activity, which is sad. Value: 0.9 Reason: Chess game and chat application helps bring people to interact with each other, however the chess game was what I found the least value in since there can't be much multiplayer activity. WOW: impressive I was impressed on how they got an actual chess game working, despite having no multiplayer involvement
