Original Poco language looks to be a fully C-compatible language, complete with simple bindings. Originally, the bindings would be handled by parsing a declaration and then doing some stack / instruction pointer magic at call time through assembly. This worked fine on DOS with the limited compiler targets they had at the time, but portability on modern systems I've vendored in libffi (https://github.com/libffi/libffi) to handle the function calls.
Add Poco support.
Original Poco language looks to be a fully C-compatible language, complete with simple bindings. Originally, the bindings would be handled by parsing a declaration and then doing some stack / instruction pointer magic at call time through assembly. This worked fine on DOS with the limited compiler targets they had at the time, but portability on modern systems I've vendored in libffi (https://github.com/libffi/libffi) to handle the function calls.