A server software implementation, ineroperable with a certain anime game client. The code in this repository is fully custom made for edyoucational purposes and future preservation, no copyrighted code is allowed in this repository.
In dungeon 1114 (scene 20104), when the floor in front of the statue is activated (/entity 3014 state201), the player's health becomes NaN:
This is because part of the damage equation uses the floor's current HP, which is Infinite. We set the current HP of invincible objects to Positive infinity when they are created.
amountByCasterCurrentHPRatio is zero, FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP is Infinity.
Multiplying zero by Infinity results in NaN. Adding anything to NaN is NaN
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In dungeon 1114 (scene 20104), when the floor in front of the statue is activated (/entity 3014 state201), the player's health becomes NaN:
This is because part of the damage equation uses the floor's current HP, which is Infinite. We set the current HP of invincible objects to Positive infinity when they are created.
amountByCasterCurrentHPRatio is zero, FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP is Infinity. Multiplying zero by Infinity results in NaN. Adding anything to NaN is NaN
Type of changes