Anime-Lists / anime-lists

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Added Cike Wu Liuqi fix #409

Closed Curros closed 8 months ago

Curros commented 8 months ago
s01 s02 s03 s04
BrutuZ commented 8 months ago
  • tmdbid/imdbid - ID. Only used for standalone entries like movies. Multiple IDs can be mapped to the same AniDB entry with comma sepparation. Ex: tmdbid="12345,67890", imdbid="tt12345678,tt9876543" Do not use tmdbid for series!
Curros commented 8 months ago
  • tmdbid/imdbid - ID. Only used for standalone entries like movies. Multiple IDs can be mapped to the same AniDB entry with comma sepparation. Ex: tmdbid="12345,67890", imdbid="tt12345678,tt9876543" Do not use tmdbid for series!

It was working OK on local, hope now is OK, thanks for the info.

BrutuZ commented 8 months ago

Those fields are reserved to movie mappings, series "shouldn't" be affected by them. If you're using HAMA you'd only see the effects on a movie library, they'd all merge into the same entry as additional file versions. However, not all parsers are built equally, some might look for those entries first and decide whether the entry is a movie based on the presence of those fields, not to mention consistency and the issue linked

Curros commented 8 months ago

@BrutuZ thanks for the thorough explanation.