Anime4000 / IFME

Powerful x265 GUI Encoder
GNU General Public License v2.0
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File length getting doubled #100

Closed Selenne closed 7 years ago

Selenne commented 8 years ago

I have a problem in which after encoding, the file length gets doubled, and when I play it, after the initial time (half of that new file length) it just stops playing. I understand it ended, because it was only that long from the beginning, but why it shows that the file is two times longer???

Also I am using IFME to compress game recordings. Are there any presets for that? Or any suggested settings I should use to get the best quality and size?

Anime4000 commented 8 years ago

I afraid temp folder get messed, or compression not even effective from the source.

compress game recording is depending from the source, for example FPS will have busy motion, which is hard to compress unless there are motion blur. then you can use least slow preset @ 28 crf

Selenne commented 8 years ago

The thing is, that the file size gets smaller. It seems it got compressed just something weird happens to the length.

Thanks for the advice! I'll try it out next time.