Anime4000 / IFME

Powerful x265 GUI Encoder
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Closed MycroftHolmes1989 closed 4 years ago

MycroftHolmes1989 commented 6 years ago

Dropping h264nvenc.ffmpeg in Plugin folder enables NVENC H264. Any such plugin available for NVENC HEVC?

Anime4000 commented 6 years ago

it uses FFmpeg to encode, I'll check soon if FFmpeg support NVENC HEVC

MycroftHolmes1989 commented 6 years ago

FFMPEG does support NVENC HEVC. Please note that the latest version of NVENC HEVC has lots of features like Main10 profile specifically for Pascal series GPU. Kindly enable these features in IFME frontend when a Pascal Series Graphics Card is detected.

Anime4000 commented 6 years ago

sadly I dont have nvidia GPU, I can put code here to you try

MycroftHolmes1989 commented 6 years ago

No problem. I'd be happy to test them.

L0Lock commented 6 years ago

Me too ! :)

Anime4000 commented 6 years ago

Guys! Here the latest Hardware Acceleration... Support:

I test AMD part, it should work perfectly! Not sure on Nvidia or Intel since I don't have these hardware yet, but you can try and edit JSON file to make it work, don't forget to report here 😄


L0Lock commented 6 years ago

Hi again. On IFME 7.6 Windows 10 with a nvidia GTX 970 gpu and Intel i7 4790 cpu, I extracted the plugin folder's content into IFME's Plugin folder. So it looks like this : ldgjfyx 1

Then launched IFME. I watched the console during the startup and I haven't seen the new plugins being loaded. Once IFME ready for use, there are no NVENC nor Intel QuickSync in the encoding options nor the module list. neroyc1 1

I also tried to shut down IFME, keep only one .json file (h265 nvenc) and restart IFME but it doesn't work either. I have no idea of what I'm supposed to do with the JSON file as I'm not a programmer. 😛 But maybe I

Anime4000 commented 6 years ago

are you sure folder you extract is same program is running... based on H.262 and H.263 it was inside video.ffmpeg folder

new plugin structure ifme-plug

L0Lock commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure I understood your answer. But I put the "video.ffmpeg.gpu"folder with all of its content into "C:\Program Files\Internet Friendly Media Encoder\plugins".

Anime4000 commented 6 years ago

what I mean, some user keep version for backward compatible. since so many versions, mistake installing plugin can happen like wrong version install

L0Lock commented 6 years ago

OK I think I understood. So I tried to completely uninstall IFME then reinstall it, followed by the NVENC plugin installation and now it's available in IFME. :)

I'll come back here as soon as I have some NVENC tests to provide.

Anime4000 commented 6 years ago

great! I waiting for feedback

L0Lock commented 6 years ago

Feedback ! I tested Nvenc on some files, it works so well I'm crying. Great quality, fast encoding, all i want for a nvenc work. :)

Anime4000 commented 6 years ago

nice 👍 ... have you try compare quality & compression between NVENC vs x265?

L0Lock commented 6 years ago

As usual, at equivalent compression settings, NVENC x265/x264 is more quality destructive than normal x265/x264. But it's a good enough quality compared to the fact that the encoding time is smaller and it has a small impact on the computer's performances.