Anime4000 / IFME

Powerful x265 GUI Encoder
GNU General Public License v2.0
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SVPFlow select GPU #176

Closed dalbodeule closed 5 years ago

dalbodeule commented 5 years ago

I was running InterFrame using SVPFlow. But I felt strange. It was not the NVIDIA graphics card, but the CPU internal graphics card was rendering.

Can you find out if there is an option to select a GPU?

Anime4000 commented 5 years ago

Hi Chitanda Eru.

If you using InterFrame script, you need moify InterFrame script, however, I made my own script without need InterFrame script, just need SVP to be installed.

# Script created by Anime4000 for IFME
# SVP Parameters can be found here:
# SVP Parameters is using JSON, edit with care.

global input = DirectShowSource("dolby_sports_sound_demo_lossless-DWEU.mkv").ConvertToYV12()

global threads = 8

global super_params = """
    scale: {
    gpu: 1,
    rc: true

global analyse_params = """
    main: {
        search: {
            coarse: {
                distance: -8,
                bad: {
                    sad: 2000,
                    range: 24
            type: 2
    refine: [
            thsad: 250

global smoothfps_params = """
    gpuid: 0,
    rate: {
        num: 60,
        den: 1,
        abs: true
    algo: 13,
    mask: {
        area: 200
    scene: {
        blend: true


SetFilterMTMode("DEFAULT_MT_MODE", 2)
SetFilterMTMode("SVSuper", 1)
SetFilterMTMode("SVAnalyse", 1)

super=SVSuper(input, super_params)
vectors=SVAnalyse(super, analyse_params, src=input)
smooth=SVSmoothFps(input, super, vectors, smoothfps_params, mt=threads)


Look at line gpu: 1 (enable) and gpuid: 0, change to 1 or 2 and see what happen

YinnVI commented 5 years ago

Hi Chitanda Eru.

If you using InterFrame script, you need moify InterFrame script, however, I made my own script without need InterFrame script, just need SVP to be installed.

# Script created by Anime4000 for IFME
# SVP Parameters can be found here:
# SVP Parameters is using JSON, edit with care.

global input = DirectShowSource("dolby_sports_sound_demo_lossless-DWEU.mkv").ConvertToYV12()

global threads = 8

global super_params = """
    scale: {
    gpu: 1,
    rc: true

global analyse_params = """
    main: {
        search: {
            coarse: {
                distance: -8,
                bad: {
                    sad: 2000,
                    range: 24
            type: 2
    refine: [
            thsad: 250

global smoothfps_params = """
    gpuid: 0,
    rate: {
        num: 60,
        den: 1,
      abs: true
    algo: 13,
    mask: {
        area: 200
    scene: {
      blend: true


SetFilterMTMode("DEFAULT_MT_MODE", 2)
SetFilterMTMode("SVSuper", 1)
SetFilterMTMode("SVAnalyse", 1)

super=SVSuper(input, super_params)
vectors=SVAnalyse(super, analyse_params, src=input)
smooth=SVSmoothFps(input, super, vectors, smoothfps_params, mt=threads)


Look at line gpu: 1 (enable) and gpuid: 0, change to 1 or 2 and see what happen

i already install SVP how to use Script