Anime4000 / IFME

Powerful x265 GUI Encoder
GNU General Public License v2.0
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How to preserve HDR 10 info? #209

Open canbonbon opened 3 years ago

canbonbon commented 3 years ago

Converting 4K movies to H265 using standard settings looses HRD10 information. Is there a flag or setting I could use to preserve HDR10 information in the movie? Let me know when you get a chance.

Anime4000 commented 3 years ago

IFME is follow x265, if you manage self update x265 to latest build, you can use Add Command Line for Encoder, and put like:

--dolby-vision-profile  <5|8.1|8.2> --dolby-vision-rpu <Dolby Vision metadata RPU file>
Mavrick007 commented 3 years ago

how do i add the cmd line for hdr?

Anime4000 commented 3 years ago

how do i add the cmd line for hdr?

By default, IFME only pass video metadata, if has HDR, it will encode in HDR automatically,

if output not satisfied, you can clock Encoder Command Line button and add extra x265 commands

Anime4000 commented 3 years ago

apparently FFmpeg did not pass HDR metadata, I keep in view for now

canbonbon commented 3 years ago

Fastflix also uses ffmpeg and is able to pass the HDR info. Maybe you could check how they are doing that.

Anime4000 commented 3 years ago

Fastflix also uses ffmpeg and is able to pass the HDR info. Maybe you could check how they are doing that.

I take a look, to see how it can be done

Anime4000 commented 2 years ago

wow, this HDR especially Dolbyvision make HDR complicated.

This mean, HDR10 video only exist on HEVC?

I can add hdr10plus_parser.exe into the program, if video is HEVC HDR10, parse into JSON and read JSON and pass to x265