Open jason-akw opened 2 years ago
I think this is what you are looking for.
# flash set GPON_SN ALCL1234abcd
# flash set PON_VENDOR_ID HWTC
# reboot
# omcicli mib get 6
# omcicli mib get 256
Also, is it possible to not set the LOID parameters? The ISP doesn't use LOID to verify, but I got LOID error from OLT.
I think it can't, maybe ODI can change Realtek SDK, allow blank input to disable LOID or PLOAM like:
flash del LOID
when LOID
is blank and GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD
is set, LOID is disabled,
if anyone who closer to ODI programmer, try update the source code
@tdmadam It's working now, thanks.
There are some results:
The realtek sticks have another way to setup parameters, called mib set
For PLOAM password, ODI sticks can set HEX 00000000000000000000
I checked the script, there are two parameters need to be edited. (LOID & LOID_OLD)
After I run these commands, the LOID will not be reported.
mib set LOID ""
mib set LOID_OLD ""
mib commit
# omcicli mib get 65530
EntityId: 0x0000
OperationId: CTC
LoID: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Password: 0x000000000000000000000000
AuthStatus: 0
# omcicli mib get 256 |grep Logical
Some Huawei OLTs lock third-party ONUs, the OLT will verify the Vendor ID from OMCI 256. If the Vendor ID from ONU is not HWTC, the OLT will refuse to register ONU.
So some ISP's ONU will fake the Vendor ID to HWTC to bypass this limit, but the SN does not start with HWTC.
It seems the omci_app only reads Vendor ID from SN. Is it possible to change that?
Also, is it possible to not set the LOID parameters? The ISP doesn't use LOID to verify, but I got LOID error from OLT.