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KML files upload as if they were empty #4

Open jfox13-nd opened 4 years ago

jfox13-nd commented 4 years ago

KML files upload with no errors however they don't contain any data when viewed in GeoNode (although the uploaded layers definitely had data).

Here is a KML layer: google drive link The following is the link on GeoNode to the aforementioned kml layer: layer view Before the upload process is started Geonode correctly recognizes the file as a "Google Earth kml", suggesting that the file type should be supported. After the upload the layer has no data, even when the attribute table is inspected in the layer view. The layer view automatically opens up to geographic coordinates 0,0 (over water just East of Africa) because no data is found to center the view on. Additionally, connecting directly to the postgres server in the Geoserver backend shows that the data table for this layer contains all the correct attribute columns but no data. When opened with QGIS there is clearly data in the kml, as supported by the attached picture of that same file opened in QGIS

Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at 12 41 27 PM

Additionally the kml, when converted to a shapefile through the QGIS3 UI, will properly upload to geonode

jfox13-nd commented 4 years ago

I have attempted to upload multiple files to the publicly GeoNode demo server in addition to the server running on my VM, in all cases the uploads failed. I have attempted this process with kml files from the TDSC lab as well as kml layers from different parts of the internet.

jfox13-nd commented 4 years ago

Some kml files I have tested do not upload at all, here are some of the errors I have been given on different occasions when the upload process has failed:

Ground Overlay image declared in kml file cannot be found

Unexpected exception None