Open GaurangTandon opened 3 years ago
From Anurudh. Tested on:
template <typename FLOW, typename COST> struct MCMF { const COST INFC = 1e9, EPSC = 0; const FLOW INFF = 1e9, EPSF = 0; struct Edge { int from, to; FLOW flow, cap; COST cost; }; int nodes, src, dest, m = 0; vector<vector<int>> adj; vector<Edge> edges; void add(int u, int v, FLOW cap, COST cost) { edges.push_back({u, v, 0, cap, cost}); adj[u].push_back(m++); edges.push_back({v, u, 0, 0, -cost}); adj[v].push_back(m++); } vector<COST> dis; vector<bool> inQ; VI par; pair<FLOW, COST> SPFA() { fill(dis.begin(), dis.end(), INFC); fill(inQ.begin(), inQ.end(), false); queue<int> Q; dis[src] = 0; Q.push(src); inQ[src] = true; while (!Q.empty()) { int u = Q.front(); Q.pop(); inQ[u] = false; for (int i : adj[u]) { auto &e = edges[i]; if (e.cap - e.flow > EPSF && dis[] - (dis[u] + e.cost) > EPSC) { dis[] = dis[u] + e.cost; par[] = i; if (!inQ[]) { Q.push(; inQ[] = true; } } } } if (dis[dest] + EPSC >= INFC) return {0, 0}; FLOW aug = INFF; for (int u = dest; u != src; u = edges[par[u]].from) { aug = min(aug, edges[par[u]].cap - edges[par[u]].flow); } for (int u = dest; u != src; u = edges[par[u]].from) { edges[par[u]].flow += aug; edges[par[u] ^ 1].flow -= aug; } return {aug, aug * dis[dest]}; } MCMF(int n, int s, int t) : nodes(n), src(s), dest(t), adj(n), dis(n), inQ(n), par(n) {} pair<FLOW, COST> mincostmaxflow() { pair<FLOW, COST> ans(0, 0); while (true) { auto cur = SPFA(); if (cur.first <= EPSF) break; ans.first += cur.first; ans.second += cur.second; } return ans; } };
Merging this very soon, we are sure this does all the things we need and we have the arrays that we need access to, right?
From Anurudh. Tested on: