It is an online platform based on providing healthcare facilites to the user and information regarding hospital like availability of beds, total number of patients,,helping user to prebook appointments for OPD ,check availability of blood groups in hospitals and many more .
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🐞[Bug]: Colliding UI #511

Open vaishnavip27 opened 2 weeks ago

vaishnavip27 commented 2 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Describe the bug

The cards in the section are colliding with the homepage because of what the homepage vertical slider is not getting viewed properly

Expected behavior

I want to make the card layout a little bit shift to the downside because of which it won't collide with the homepage's vertical carousel

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What browsers are you seeing the problem on?

No response


github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there! Thanks for opening this issue. We appreciate your contribution to this open-source project. We aim to respond or assign your issue as soon as possible.

vaishnavip27 commented 2 weeks ago

@varshith257 Please assign me this issue

varshith257 commented 2 weeks ago

@vaishnavip27 Here you go.

vaishnavip27 commented 2 weeks ago

@varshith257 Hey can you check my pull request

DakshantJain commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @varshith257 , I saw your complete website it delivers a great message and is beautifully designed. But as every art has some flaws, similarly your website do also have some of them... Here I can easily fix them and make them even good looking and functioning. I request you to assign this to me for one of the best results.

Thank You.