Anjok07 / ultimatevocalremovergui

GUI for a Vocal Remover that uses Deep Neural Networks.
MIT License
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MacBook Pro Manual Install Crash #946

Open kickaxe60 opened 8 months ago

kickaxe60 commented 8 months ago

Hi Anjok07, I've installed UVR 5.6 manual install version on my macbook pro (late 2013 15 inch retina) with Big Sur 11.7.10 and when I select Ensemble mode (Vocals/Instrumental) with MDX-NET Inst HQ 1 and Karaoke 2, it always crashes when it completes the first model. In terminal, it displays the following (note that I am not able to capture a log from within UVR5): 2023-11-04 20:32:22.051 Python[2792:89771] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to /var/folders/6h/s57_k7ks4zzbcxz_491_3nm00000gn/T/org.python.python.savedState 2023-11-04 20:35:52.328 Python[2792:90751] -[MPSGraphExecutionDescriptor setEnableCommitAndContinue:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7f7f0ae6d1e0 2023-11-04 20:35:52.454 Python[2792:90751] Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[MPSGraphExecutionDescriptor setEnableCommitAndContinue:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7f7f0ae6d1e0' First throw call stack: ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff20692bdb exceptionPreprocess + 242 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff203cbd92 objc_exception_throw + 48 2 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff2071570d -[NSObject(NSObject) retain_OA] + 0 3 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff205fac2b forwarding + 1448 4 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff205fa5f8 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 120 5 libtorch_cpu.dylib 0x00000001158f9d8c _ZN2at3mps9MPSStreamC2EN3c106StreamE + 188 6 libtorch_cpu.dylib 0x00000001158faabf _ZN2at3mps19getDefaultMPSStreamEv + 47 7 libtorch_cpu.dylib 0x00000001158e0074 _ZN2at3mps13HeapAllocator20MPSHeapAllocatorImplC2Ev + 708 8 libtorch_cpu.dylib 0x00000001158def18 _ZN2at3mps12MPSAllocatorC2Ej + 440 9 libtorch_cpu.dylib 0x00000001158dd5e4 _ZN2at3mps16getIMPSAllocatorEb + 180 10 libtorch_cpu.dylib 0x00000001158eb9ab _ZNK2at3mps8MPSHooks10emptyCacheEv + 11 11 libtorch_python.dylib 0x0000000105395112 _ZN5torch3mpsL20MPSModule_emptyCacheEP7objectS2 + 34 12 Python 0x0000000102ce66e9 cfunction_vectorcall_NOARGS + 93 13 Python 0x0000000102d8eb56 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 55357 14 Python 0x0000000102d948ab _PyEval_Vector + 92 15 Python 0x0000000102c999af method_vectorcall + 458 16 Python 0x0000000102d917c9 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 66736 17 Python 0x0000000102d948ab _PyEval_Vector + 92 18 Python 0x0000000102c999af method_vectorcall + 458 19 Python 0x0000000102e6c994 thread_run + 173 20 Python 0x0000000102dfcabf pythread_wrapper + 36 21 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff205208fc _pthread_start + 224 22 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff2051c443 thread_start + 15 ) libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException Abort trap: 6

I've tried several python versions from 3.9 to 3.11 and it always crashes at the same spot.

The 5.5 version of the dmg install works fine but when I try to update to 5.6 it also doesn't work. The app simply looks like it's about to open but then nothing happens. I really would prefer the manual version for troubleshooting purposes. I believe all dependencies have been met as this is a different kind of exception. Any help to get this going would be appreciated.

Take care, and thanks for this great app.

kickaxe60 commented 8 months ago

When I try to install the 5.6 dmg and run it, it simply doesn't load. If I go to terminal and try to run the UVR executable, I get the following error message:
ImportError: dlopen(/Applications/Ultimate Vocal, 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/liblzma.5.dylib Referenced from: /Applications/Ultimate Vocal Reason: Incompatible library version: requires version 10.0.0 or later, but liblzma.5.dylib provides version 8.0.0

Anyway, as I said previously, I would prefer to get the manual install working so I can have access to the py code...

kickaxe60 commented 7 months ago

OK in case this helps others, I was finally able to get the manual install of UVR 5.6 to work on my MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013) with Big Sur Version 11.7.10. This laptop has a Nvidia card but CUDA is no longer supported on Big Sur and I think this is causing some problems with a call to the "clear_gpu_cache()" function in various sections of code. To fix this, I updated the "def clear_gpu_cache()" function in the script. Under "if is_macos:" I added a fake variable and commented out "torch.mps.empty_cache()".

I'm still not able to install 5.6 from the dmg as it starts then quits immediately (5.5 worked no problem from dmg) but I don't care now that I can run the manual install.

Edited since formatting got messed up when I tried to paste some code so I removed that and explained my fix.