Currently there is an issue with sending daily review summaries:
Example scenario:
Day 1: User reviews cards on mobile, then syncs with AnkiWeb
Day 2: User launches Anki Desktop, and automatically syncs with AnkiHub and AnkiWeb.
The issue is that on day 2, things happen in this order:
AnkiHub sync, which among other things, sends the review data from Day 1 to the web app
AnkiWeb sync, which adds the reviews done on mobile on Day 1 to Anki's database
So, the reviews done on mobile on day 1 will be missing from our data on the web app.
Related issues
Proposed changes
Only send review data from x days ago.
For example, if a user syncs every day, we would send the summary for - timedelta(days=x) every day
We can assume that the further in the past the reviews were done, the higher the chance that they were already synced across all devices.
Currently there is an issue with sending daily review summaries:
Example scenario: Day 1: User reviews cards on mobile, then syncs with AnkiWeb Day 2: User launches Anki Desktop, and automatically syncs with AnkiHub and AnkiWeb.
The issue is that on day 2, things happen in this order:
So, the reviews done on mobile on day 1 will be missing from our data on the web app.
Related issues
Proposed changes - timedelta(days=x)
every day