Ankit-177 / binary_logic_project

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Binary project peer reviews #2

Open Ankit-177 opened 9 months ago

Ankit-177 commented 9 months ago

Binary Calculator - Project Overview

Project summary: This project is a fully-functional binary calculator with a twist -- we take the decimal numbers from both binary inputs and the binary output and convert it to a color that is displayed at the bottom of the calculator using RGB decimal codes. Here is a preview: AP CSP - Binary calculator screenshot

We have implemented binary logic in two ways: in our addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division functions, and in the RGB decimal color code conversion. Our entire project is written in JavaScript, with the exception of the binary logic for the 4 functions. This is written in a Python file, which our main JavaScript code appends to when the functions are used. For addition and subtraction, we have used the concept of 1's and 2's complements, while for multiplication and division, we have used the concept of binary left shift and right shift. While it is possible to code these functions in JavaScript, it proved to be far too difficult given the time frame and the complexities embedded within these concepts; using Python was far more efficient and reliable. We have also added decimal input boxes in addition to the binary input boxes to improve the versatility of the calculator. In order to make the UI more aesthetically pleasing and create an enjoyable user experience, we have added a dark mode toggle and a calculator reset button.

Individual Contributions

[SCRUM MASTER] Ankit Pulivendula: Created the calculator skeleton and the initial prototype (v1.0 did not include binary logic for 4 functions -- it was a placeholder using binary to decimal to binary conversion); created the CSS styling elements of the project with improvements to the UI interface; added decimal input boxes in addition to binary input boxes.

Remy Liu: Created the binary logic code for all 4 functions using Python and connected the Python logic to the JavaScript code for the main calculator.

Hao Yuan: Created the breathing background using CSS and made the buttons more aesthetically pleasing.

William Lee: Implemented the dark mode toggle and the reset button while also improving user intractability.

FINAL GRADING Group 1 grading Group 2 grading Teacher grading TOTAL
0.9 0.9 0.13 1.93
Ankit-177 commented 9 months ago

Individual key commits: Binary project ideation Binary calculator v1.0 Major CSS styling Button fix

REVIEW FORMAT: Team Review "Scrum Master A" grading "Scrum Master B"

Team Review ticket containing key Team and individual contributions

Per check.
0.55 not attempted/no check 0.7 attempted, incomplete, but some runtime 0.8 mastery and runtime 0.9 above and beyond.

Freeform comment.
Provide positivies and growth summary.
Justify or comment on final score.
Be sure to provide extra details on anything below 0.7 average or above 0.8.

wl0503 commented 9 months ago

Video: William Lee Individual Video In the video, I addressed my contribution and how they work in both visually(on webpage) and codingly(in vscode).

Analytics(profile): Analytics and contribution Analysts page is the place to show my contribution to the project. Overall, I contributed to the visual elements of our project, the binary calculator. I activated the animation effect on the reset button so that users can experience it whenever they refresh the page. I also made the RGB color surrounding effect near the button corresponding the theme for our project, which is RGB. In addition, I created the toggle button that gives the color change of black and white background in the binary number inputs. Lastly, I added the reset button that can delete the binary number inputs without clicking delete one by one.

Individual ticket(Key commits): Binary project ideations and plans Visual update to Binary Calculator Deletion of changes that cause errors Binary calculator with additional effect Final ver binary calculator

Grading rubric: Individual Review "My name" grading "Their name"

Individual should show that they were key contributor and example to team. This includes their participation in ideas, plans, creating individual issues, providing code commits to project, crossover grading participation, being on task and positive example in the classroom. Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

Video in CPT caption style , includes Web demo of key contribution to project, 1 minute Issue(s) that show plans/progress to team objectives Highlights of key commit(s) in Issues, summarizes code contributions Review GitHub analytics for key commits in each weeks during the project, shows consistent participation for 3 weeks Per check. 0.55 not attempted/no check 0.7 attempted, incoomplete, but some runtime 0.8 mastery and runtime 0.9 above and beyond.

Freeform comment. Provide positivies and growth summary. Justify or comment on final score. Be sure to provide extra details on anything below 0.7 average or above 0.8.

sfremy commented 9 months ago

Video: Video Link In the video, I addressed my contribution to the project and how the mathematical operations function in an exclusively binary framework.

Analytics(profile): Analytics and contribution I created functions for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (without remainder) in base 2 without ever converting to base 10 by iteratively analyzing Numpy digit arrays and following simple rules, plus recursive addition/subtraction for overflow and multiplication/division. I also wrote functions to link the Python code to the frontend and format the JS input to a handleable datatype.

Individual ticket(Key commits): Initial formatting to Numpy and experimentation Complete recursive base 2 addition Subtraction with iterative carry-over search Multiplication using frame-shift and iterative addition Division by iterative subtraction and harvesting digits

Grading rubric: Individual Review "My name" grading "Their name"

Individual should show that they were key contributor and example to team. This includes their participation in ideas, plans, creating individual issues, providing code commits to project, crossover grading participation, being on task and positive example in the classroom. Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

Video in CPT caption style , includes Web demo of key contribution to project, 1 minute Issue(s) that show plans/progress to team objectives Highlights of key commit(s) in Issues, summarizes code contributions Review GitHub analytics for key commits in each weeks during the project, shows consistent participation for 3 weeks Per check. 0.55 not attempted/no check 0.7 attempted, incoomplete, but some runtime 0.8 mastery and runtime 0.9 above and beyond.

Freeform comment. Provide positivies and growth summary. Justify or comment on final score. Be sure to provide extra details on anything below 0.7 average or above 0.8.

herry2333 commented 9 months ago

Video: Video Link In the video, I showed our group's main code that we made, And then what do they look like when they are rendered in a web page

Growth/Accomplishments vs. Team Plan:

"In line with our team's objectives to enhance our front-end capabilities, I've developed a comprehensive understanding of CSS3, as demonstrated by the use of gradients, animations, and responsive elements in our project. This achievement directly aligns with our plan to create more visually engaging and dynamic user interfaces." Shortfalls/Improvement Areas:

"While we've made significant progress in front-end design, I recognize the need to integrate more comprehensive full-stack development skills. Moving forward, I plan to focus on incorporating JavaScript and backend functionalities to create more interactive and fully-featured web applications. Additionally, I aim to improve our design's accessibility to ensure it's user-friendly for a diverse audience." Key Technical Accomplishments:

"One of our key technical achievements in this project has been the effective use of CSS animations and thematic consistency. We've successfully implemented a cohesive RGB theme across various elements, enhancing the aesthetic appeal and user experience of our web pages." User Interaction and Learning Visualization:

"Regarding user interaction, the hover effects on buttons and responsive inputs in our design demonstrate our capability to create interactive web elements. However, I recognize that we need to better visualize complex concepts like algorithms and data structures. To address this, I plan to explore interactive tools and visual aids that can simplify these concepts for our users."

ninaadkiran commented 8 months ago

Team Review "Scrum Master A" grading "Scrum Master B"

Team Review ticket containing key Team and individual contributions

JoshThinh commented 8 months ago

Individual Review Joshua T grading Remy

Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

He contributed a lot of Python code displaying multiplication, subtraction, and binary, which was then transferred to the actual website. This code was a big part of the creation of the website and included a lot of the requirements plus a bit extra from the CPT instructions. Maybe he could've shown the shown the physical display of the code. Score: 0.9

EthanH06 commented 8 months ago

Individual Review "My name" grading "Their name"

Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

Score: 0.9 Reasoning: Created the main basis of the project and barebones of the project (first draft of the project), created css and styling of the entire website, and created buttons with connected functions, created calculator framework. Overall, lot of work and functional code that creates and fills a site that has actual use.

ninaadkiran commented 8 months ago

Individual Review Ninaad Kiran grading Ankit

Individual should show that they were key contributor and example to team. This includes their participation in ideas, plans, creating individual issues, providing code commits to project, crossover grading participation, being on task and positive example in the classroom. Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)

Video in CPT caption style , includes Web demo of key contribution to project, 1 minute Issue(s) that show plans/progress to team objectives Highlights of key commit(s) in Issues, summarizes code contributions Review GitHub analytics for key commits in each weeks during the project, shows consistent participation for 3 weeks Per check. 0.55 not attempted/no check 0.7 attempted, incoomplete, but some runtime 0.8 mastery and runtime 0.9 above and beyond.

Freeform comment. Provide positivies and growth summary. Justify or comment on final score. Be sure to provide extra details on anything below 0.7 average or above 0.8.

He made the backbone of the project and also wrote a lot about it in the project. In addition to this he also worked on CSS styling. I think he has had big, relevant contributions to the group Score: 0.9