Ankit404butfound / PyWhatKit

Send WhatsApp message at certain time and many other things.
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sendwhatmsg_to_group() does not work properly #155

Closed aaronwtr closed 2 years ago

aaronwtr commented 2 years ago


I have been using this function for weeks now to send a message to a groupchat automatically each week. It was working fine up to this week. It looks like it is something from WhatsApp side that is messing it up. The link that shows up in the searchbar is: where WA_GROUP_KEY is the key to the WhatsApp group. In a second, this link changes into and I get loaded into web WhatsApp and not the correct group. Consequently, the pre-programmed messaged can't be sent since it does not have access to the groupschat.

To Reproduce

Use the sendwhatmsg_to_group() to send any message to a WhatsApp groupschat. The group_key can be obtained from the invite URL the host of the WhatsApp group can generate.


If applicable, add Screenshots to help explain your Problem

Version Information

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ns23k commented 2 years ago

@aaronwtr please send a screenshot

aaronwtr commented 2 years ago

@Naman23-coder What specifically do you want a screenshot of? My code or what I am observing in the browser? It would be difficult to screenshot the latter since it happens in a split second and I described what happens in detail in my explanation.

ns23k commented 2 years ago

@aaronwtr send a screenshot when the tab opens

aaronwtr commented 2 years ago

@Naman23-coder I do not see any added value in sharing screenshots of what is the start screen of web whatsapp. I observe for a split second that it is trying to enter the group chat, as explained in my main post, and then it does not enter the group chat and just remains in the web whatsapp start screen in which all the recent chats are ordered on the left and on the right is a big empty space where the chat would be if opened.

ns23k commented 2 years ago

@aaronwtr please use pip install pywhatkit --upgrade if you are not using pywhatkit latest version

zarif98sjs commented 2 years ago

I am having the same issue. The link that shows up in the searchbar is: where WA_GROUP_KEY is the key to the WhatsApp group. In a second, this link changes into and I get loaded into web WhatsApp and not the correct group.

ns23k commented 2 years ago

@zarif98sjs this is on WhatsApp side,we'll check it soon

Neotastisch commented 2 years ago

Same here

ns23k commented 2 years ago

Hey everyone it may be due to beta version (if you have one),try rolling back to stable release of whatsapp

aaronwtr commented 2 years ago

Indeed I was participating in the new beta. Unfortunately, rolling back to a web whatsapp version prior to the beta did not solve the problem. I look forward to updates on this issue!

zarif98sjs commented 2 years ago

@aaronwtr please check here . I have worked on this and this works fine

muhohokenya commented 2 years ago

Same issue as @zarif98sjs looking forward to getting a working solution

CharlieBatchelor commented 2 years ago

Once the WhatsApp page opens, clicking on the group continues the automation of message sending. So issue is opening the browser to the correct group chat rather than having WhatsApp sending us to

aaryanrr commented 2 years ago

Hey everyone, thanks for reporting this issue. Make sure you are not participating in the WhatsApp Beta. I have tested this function today on Linux with Chrome Browser and its working for me. If you are still facing this issue please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

hDmtP commented 2 years ago

Yeah!, it also works on Firefox(Linux) now

aaronwtr commented 2 years ago

Thanks for looking at this issue! It is now working again with exactly the same setup as with which I reported the problem originally.