User Story:As a user, I want to be presented with a home page when I navigate to the application so that I can easily switch between screens and understand how to start my game.
Implement routing between pages to enable seamless navigation within the application. This tech debt issue focuses on enhancing user experience by providing a clear and intuitive home page with buttons and icons for easy navigation.
Set up routing functionality to display the home page when users navigate to the application.
Implement the home page layout with the required elements: game name, short description, "Start New Game" and "Join Game" buttons, home icon, info icon, and contact us icon.
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] I can see the following on the home page: Name of the game, short description, "Start New Game" and "Join Game" buttons, home icon, info icon, contact us icon.
[ ] I'm able to click on buttons or icons to switch to different screens.
User Story: As a user, I want to be presented with a home page when I navigate to the application so that I can easily switch between screens and understand how to start my game.
Description: Implement routing between pages to enable seamless navigation within the application. This tech debt issue focuses on enhancing user experience by providing a clear and intuitive home page with buttons and icons for easy navigation.
Acceptance Criteria: