Apply the 6-step process as method to derive sample-specific valid day criterion for both the MLM app and Axivity (hip and wrist) data (Bingham et al., 2016):
[x] Step-1: determine minimum wear-time
[x] Step-2: process 7-day-data
[x] Step-3: determine the inclusion of a weekend day
[x] Step-4: examine day-to-day variability
[x] Step-5: calculate single day intraclass correlation (ICC) (2,1)
[x] Step-6: calculate number of days required to reach reliability
Daniel D. Bingham, Silvia Costa, Stacy A. Clemes, Ash C. Routen, Helen J. Moore & Sally E. Barber (2016) Accelerometer data requirements for reliable estimation of habitual physical activity and sedentary time of children during the early years - a worked
example following a stepped approach, Journal of Sports Sciences, 34:20, 2005-2010, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2016.1149605
Apply the 6-step process as method to derive sample-specific valid day criterion for both the MLM app and Axivity (hip and wrist) data (Bingham et al., 2016):