AnnesFlashBack / Mini-Exercises

Anne Gregersen's repository containing the MiniExercises for AP 2018.
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Feedback on Mini_ex5 by Mark Oliver Sandfeld Nielsen #10

Open MOSN97 opened 6 years ago

MOSN97 commented 6 years ago

In the program you control a small space ship with your mouse which you have to guide through a series of squares flying at you from the right (so asteroids basicly). If you touch the blocks you lose, but you can destroy them by shooting them with smaller squares which you fire from your ship by holding down the mouse button. There a 5 levels in the game and each one has a song playing in the background. The rate of squares that are created varies as the song progresses, though I didn't really notice this until the chorus in level 3. The game is very easy at first but gets relatively difficult in the later levels, mostly due to an increased amount of small sqaures which are harder to shoot. It's a pretty impressive program considering the limited time we had and I noticed there is also some cool details like the circles in the background vibrating kind of like a speaker when the music is on. It's a pretty fun little game, but of course there is also room for improvement. For example when your ship crashes it's a bit unintuitive that you have to both respawn you ship and select the level again. Since you restart anyways it seems like simply selecting a level might as well also respawn you if you're currently crashed. Also the levels feel a bit long considering that they're pretty repetetive, which would probably make the experience of completing all five levels in a row (which I didn't though), feel a tedious, but I guess if you want the levels to continue for the same duration as the song, that isn't easy to change unless you used other songs. But overall the program is like I said very impressive all thing considered.