Annex-Engineering / klipper_estimator

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post-process doesn't seem to work. #64

Open blakeyjason opened 1 month ago

blakeyjason commented 1 month ago


I'm working on getting my Ender3 V3 KE to show progress on prints that I've uploaded using Fluidd/Moonraker. The job prints fine, but the progress never updates.

Looking at the code that Creality's slicer generates, I see that it embeds



I've updated my Prusa Slicer to add


on layer change, but post-process never changes my default 1.234567 to actual time values. What am I missing? The estimator runs fine from PrusaSlicer, but the generated output file has the same TIME_ELAPSED values as before.

It looks like handling the TIME_ELAPSED comment should be supported:

Am I totally off my rocker?

Once I get this up and running, I'd be happy to contribute a how-to on PrusaSlicer + klipper_estimator + Ender3 V3 KE.


dalegaard commented 1 month ago

Hi @blakeyjason

Check the last line of the file, it will say Processed by ... and tell you which slicer was detected.

Best regards, Lasse

blakeyjason commented 1 month ago

Ah, I see - it detected PrusaSlicer...

; Processed by klipper_estimator v3.7.3, detected slicer PrusaSlicer 2.7.4+win64

Is there any way to force the detection? The Creality OS really wants to see TIME_ELAPSED, not M73s...

dalegaard commented 1 month ago

Hi @blakeyjason

As of today there is no way to force a specific slicer version. While it would be possible to update the TIME_ELAPSED code to work for other slicers, I'm a bit weary of that because of potential differences in how the various time formats would work. The slicer detection code is there to ensure that we do sane things for all slicers instead of risking outputting bogus values.

I was under the impression Creality OS was just Klipper though. What stack are you using here? As far as I'm aware, PrusaSlicer does not natively output TIME_ELAPSED lines?

Best regards, Lasse

blakeyjason commented 1 month ago

The problem is not with Creality OS - that is pretty much klipper. Side-loaded Fluidd displays the updates fine. But the native Creality display on the printer expects to see TIME_ELAPSED values from the gcode (that's what I'm seeing in output from the Creality Slicer, called "Creality Print").

My stack is PrusaSlicer -> Estimator -> MoonRaker -> Fluidd -> The default Creality display app running on the printer.

dalegaard commented 1 month ago

Okay, now I understand.

This isn't supported right now, and I don't have much time to implement it sadly. I would like to implement a way to do replacements of some template format in the gcode with time estimates. This would also work for #63 .

Basically the idea would be that instead of putting ;TIME_ELAPSED:1.234567 in your slicer, you'd put something ala:


And estimator would replace it with the right value.

I will keep this open until a mechanism like that is implemented.

Best regards, Lasse

blakeyjason commented 1 month ago

That would be great! Nice and general purpose.

Thanks for thinking about it for me.