AnnieHow / dod

dod package development
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two package-level things to fix (video) #20

Closed dankelley closed 2 years ago

dankelley commented 2 years ago

Hi. No time to type -- please see the video

AnnieHow commented 2 years ago

Lazy data removed in commit 7c420a7ded70396f0fa360f5c946151cb72adda4.

When I add rmarkdown as an import in NAMESPACE it automatically removes it so still figuring this one out.

AnnieHow commented 2 years ago

Potential fix for the second error in commit dbd7088090a6b28dd730d29fcc1d4a4b4e9d7ef4.

We added in rmarkdown as a Depends ourselves, might not be necessary there and get no errors in Check once removed. Let me know if it is and I can go back to the drawing board on this!