Annosz / UIInfoSuite2

Ongoing maintenance for the original UI Info Suite mod for Stardew Valley.
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Incompatibility with East Scarp Orchard Trees[Bug]: #537

Closed kaymarierose closed 1 month ago

kaymarierose commented 1 month ago

Mod Version



Single Player



I believe that there is an incompatibility between this mod and East Scarp, particularly regarding the trees located at on the Cherry Orchard map. These trees are not harvestable, but they are interactive and give dialogue when interacted with about not chopping them down. However, because UI Suite attempts to display information about these trees, any time that you hover over one of them, an error spams itself within SMAPI. This error does not occur with any other trees throughout Stardew or other modded maps. Nor does it occur to all trees within the Cherry Orchard. This is a picture of the affected trees.


I have also shared this information with the mod developer, as I'm not sure on who's side the issue is occurring, or if it is another mod adding to the issue, or how to address it.

It is reproducible by having this mod, as well as East Scarp v2.4.10 installed, going to the Cherry Orchard, and hovering your mouse cursor over any of the highlighted trees in the attached picture.

kaymarierose commented 1 month ago

The mod author was able to troubleshoot the issue, a typo between "tree" and "Tree" in the Orchard.tmx file that comes with their mod. The solution to solve this incompatibility is to fix those instances in the file, and on an existing save, use the Reset Terrain Features mod on the orchard to reload the spawned trees with the correct info.