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Themes v1 #14

Closed coriander31415 closed 3 years ago

coriander31415 commented 3 years ago

Get GlobalGiving Themes - get Themes

Get Themes with Project Ids - get Themes with active Project Ids

  • `animals` - Animal Welfare
  • `children` - Child Protection
  • `climate` - Climate Action
  • democ - Peace and Reconciliation
  • `disaster` - Disaster Response
  • ecdev - Economic Growth
  • `edu` - Education
  • env - Ecosystem Restoration
  • gender - Gender Equality
  • `health` - Physical Health
  • `human` - Ending Human Trafficking
  • rights - Justice and Human Rights
  • `sport` - Sport
  • tech - Digital Literacy
  • `hunger` - Food Security
  • art - Arts and Culture
  • lgbtq - LGBTQIA+ Equality
  • `covid-19` - COVID-19
  • `water` - Clean Water
  • `disability` - Disability Rights
  • endabuse - Ending Abuse
  • mentalhealth - Mental Health
  • justice - Racial Justice
  • refugee - Refugee Rights
  • reproductive - Reproductive Health
  • housing - Safe Housing
  • `agriculture` - Sustainable Agriculture
  • `wildlife` - Wildlife Conservation
coriander31415 commented 3 years ago


"THEME": {
    "TITLE": "These projects need your urgent attention:",
    "ANIMALS": "Animal Welfare",
    "CHILDREN": "Child Protection",
    "CLIMATE": "Climate Action",
    "DISASTER": "Disaster Response",
    "EDU": "Education",
    "HEALTH": "Physical Health",
    "HUMAN": "Ending Human Trafficking",
    "SPORT": "Sport",
    "HUNGER": "Food Security",
    "COVID-19": "COVID-19",
    "WATER": "Clean Water",
    "DISABILITY": "Disability Rights",
    "AGRICULTURE": "Sustainable Agriculture",
    "WILDLIFE": "Wildlife Conservation"


"THEME": {
    "TITLE": "Ці проекти потребують вашої термінової уваги:",
    "ANIMALS": "Добробут тварин",
    "CHILDREN": "Захист дітей",
    "CLIMATE": "Кліматичні дії",
    "DISASTER": "Відповідь на катастрофу",
    "EDU": "Освіта",
    "HEALTH": "Фізичне здоров'я",
    "HUMAN": "Припинення торгівлі людьми",
    "SPORT": "Спорт",
    "HUNGER": "Запобігання голоду",
    "COVID-19": "COVID-19",
    "WATER": "Чиста вода",
    "DISABILITY": "Права інваліднів",
    "AGRICULTURE": "Стале сільське господарство",
    "WILDLIFE": "Охорона дикої природи"


- [ ] @kastrubait, please check the translation:

"THEME": {
    "TITLE": "Гэтыя праекты патрабуюць вашай тэрміновай увагі:",
    "ANIMALS": "Дабрабыт жывёл",
    "CHILDREN": "Захіст дзяцей",
    "CLIMATE": "Кліматычныя дзеянні",
    "DISASTER": "Адказ на катастрофу",
    "EDU": "Асвіта",
    "HEALTH": "Фізічнае здароўе",
    "HUMAN": "Прыпыненне гандлю людзьмі",  // can it be shorten?
    "SPORT": "Спорт",
    "HUNGER": "Запабіганне галаду",
    "COVID-19": "COVID-19",
    "WATER": "Чыстая вада",
    "DISABILITY": "Правы інвалідаў",
    "AGRICULTURE": "Устойлівае земляробства",
    "WILDLIFE": "Ахова дзікай прыроды" // can it be shorten?
kastrubait commented 3 years ago

"THEME": { "TITLE": "Гэтыя праекты патрабуюць неадкладнай вашай увагі:", "ANIMALS": "Дабрабыт жывёл", "CHILDREN": "Абарона дзяцей", "CLIMATE": "Клімат", "DISASTER": "Адказ на катастрофу", "EDU": "Адукацыя", "HEALTH": "Фізічнае здароўе", "HUMAN": "Гандаль людзьмі", "SPORT": "Спорт", "HUNGER": "Харчовая бяспека", "COVID-19": "COVID-19", "WATER": "Чыстая вада", "DISABILITY": "Правы інвалідаў", "AGRICULTURE": "Устойлівае земляробства", "WILDLIFE": "Ахова наваколля" }

coriander31415 commented 3 years ago

Screenshots: EN: image

BY image

UA: image

coriander31415 commented 3 years ago

send from themes-list.component by click (testing):


import { ... EventEmitter ... } from '@angular/core';
  theme = new EventEmitter<string>();

  selectTheme(id: string): void {
    setTimeout(() => { console.log(this.theme); }, 3000);


    <li *ngFor="let theme of themesList">
      <div (click)="selectTheme(">
        <img class="theme-img" src="{{ theme.img }}" alt="{{ }}">
        <p class="theme-name">{{ | translate}} </p>


<app-themes-list (theme)="getTheme($event)"></app-themes-list>


 theme = '';
public getTheme(event): void {
    this.theme = event;