Anohros / GrannyConverterLibrary

This library converts scenes of granny2 files from *.gr2 to *.fbx.
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Granny library load and function import #15

Closed lexzor closed 4 months ago

lexzor commented 4 months ago


I'm trying to use this library by creating my separate dll and export some functions.

I have 2 problems: either i download granny2.dll from internet (Granny Viewer) or i use the one from official SDK, i encounter 2 problems:

  1. Any granny2.dll from Granny Viewer (or from internet) can't be loaded into library.
  2. For granny2_x64.dll seems to not load the functions from it.

2024-07-20 23:54:55.242 Fatal grannyformat.cpp:32 InitializeGrannyLibrary Could not load "granny2.dll" library. 2024-07-20 23:54:55.242 Info grannyimporter.cpp:71 GCL::Importer::GrannyImporter::importFromFile Import granny file (file: "assassin_m.gr2") to scene.

Devil version: 1.8.0 FBX version: FBX SDK 2020.3.1 VS2019 Granny version: tested with 2.8-2.11 Visual Studio: 2022

lexzor commented 4 months ago

I used x64 library, working with x86.