AnonGit90210 / RamanujanMachine

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无法运行程序,请修改 #25

Open Havenazaki opened 4 months ago

Havenazaki commented 4 months ago

请在gen_consts.py开头导入sys并添加sys.set_int_max_str_digits(1000000)来解决问题 修复后还有报错:

ab_polys_type is set up to normal
ab_polys_special_params is set up to None
print_surprising_nonexp_contfracs is set up to False
gen_hashtable_only is set up to True
a_coeffs_range is set up to [[[-4, -4], [-4, -4], [-4, -4]]]
b_coeffs_range is set up to [[[-4, -4], [-4, -4], [-4, -4]]]
lhs_type is set up to {'enum': <class 'lhs_evaluators.RationalFuncEnumerator'>, 'eval': <class 'lhs_evaluators.RationalFuncEvaluator'>}
lhs_params is set up to [[[-3, 3], [-3, 3], [-3, 3]], [[-3, 3], [-3, 3], [-3, 3]], True]
postproc_funcs_filter is set up to [1, 0, 2, 3, 10, 11]
i is set up to 2
hashtable_file_operation is set up to generate
validate_hashtable_extend_no_replication is set up to True
hashtable_file is set up to .\hashtable_general_v1.pkl
hashtable_num_of_iterations is set up to 200
hashtable_precision is set up to 8
first_filtering_num_of_iterations is set up to 1000
first_filtering_precision is set up to 10
second_filtering_max_num_of_iterations is set up to 1200
second_filtering_precision is set up to 13
third_filtering_max_num_of_iterations is set up to 1500
third_filtering_precision is set up to 20
is_test is set up to None


Finished creating mitm object. Runtime: 0:00:00.001158
Took 0.000000 seconds to create pg, pg_len
The following is a rough estimation only, and may be wrong to an order of 2-5 times.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\RamanujanMachine\", line 214, in <module>
  File "D:\RamanujanMachine\", line 126, in main
    mitm.build_hashtable(range_a=params.a_coeffs_range, range_b=params.b_coeffs_range)
  File "D:\RamanujanMachine\", line 133, in build_hashtable
    self._iter2hashtalbe(itr=pg, itr_len=pg_len, validate_entry_doesnt_exist=validate_entry_doesnt_exist)
  File "D:\RamanujanMachine\", line 156, in _iter2hashtalbe
    for pa, pb in progressbar.progressbar(itr, max_value=itr_len):
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable```