AnonymousCervine / depth-image-io-for-SDWebui

An extension to allow managing custom depth inputs to Stable Diffusion depth2img models for the stable-diffusion-webui repo.
72 stars 6 forks source link

Thank you so much for this extension ! #1

Closed AugmentedRealityCat closed 1 year ago

AugmentedRealityCat commented 1 year ago

You should open the Discussions panel for this repo so that other people like me can come and tell you how much we appreciate this extension you made for the Automatic1111 WebUI. This is much more convenient than the hack I had been using so far. Thank you so much.

In addition to showing our gratitude without cluttering the Issues page, the Discussions page could also be a great place to discuss best practices with your extension.

Thanks again for making and sharing this !

ClashSAN commented 1 year ago

@AugmentedRealityCat it would be nice if you are able to share anything you've made also. Do you have a working commit version for the webui for this? We can add this info here -

Here was most of the discussion originally -

AnonymousCervine commented 1 year ago


Discussions are now open, for what it's worth.


I can add that info there if desired (probably tomorrow or the day after Monday (Edit: Delayed because testing revealed the newer style of the 'hires fix' option breaks things? I suppose I might list it in the meantime but referencing an old webui commit, but I'll see if I can't fix things first)—I do want to sit down and test things on an up-to-date webui commit first, and all)

AnonymousCervine commented 1 year ago

@ClashSAN Belatedly: A pair of working commit-hashes has been added. I'll try to remember to update it periodically as time goes on; I have to test things whenever I update the extension regardless, after all.

AugmentedRealityCat commented 1 year ago

it would be nice if you are able to share anything you've made also

What did you have in mind ? You mean like test images and animation prototypes ? It would be my pleasure to share them and an honour if you were to use them as examples. (sorry for the late reply, my computer had hardware problems, and then I had some of my own, but I'm back for good !)