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Bug Reports
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Chat Direction updates not saving #289

Open thebatsthebats opened 5 months ago

thebatsthebats commented 5 months ago

Bug report template

=User information=

OS (iOS / Android):IOS 17.2.1

Chai App Version:20240118.0.1

Login Type: username/password


Bot ID / Share Link:



Frequency of occurrence:100% / Every Time I edit/create any bot

Expected behavior: Create and save Chat Direction conversation

Actual behavior: I update and save Chat Direction information from the original generated input. Then, I Publish the bot. If I "edit" the bot and return to the Chat Direction conversation area, I find the updates I made have reverted back to the original generated input.


Additional Information: I deleted all my bots, conversations, and the app. I reinstalled the app and remade a bot, but the problem persists. I also use the standard premium subscription.

SuihtilCod commented 5 months ago

This is a persistent bug. It affects new bots and bots converted from the old style, but bots created before September 2023 are unaffected. It's worth mentioning that this bug appears to affect both iOS and Android users equally, which seems to hint at something in the software or something server-side.

(Yeah, I just quoted myself instead of coming up with something new. Sorry. Feelin' lazy.)

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