UserID(Optional / please note this helps devs fix issues much faster)
Frequency of occurance:
Constant for past 12 hours. Began 06/21/2023 at 8pm EST
Expected behavior:
Following prompts, staying on topic, not spewing weird drunk type sentences. Also, not using horrible grammar and run on sentences.
Actual behavior:
Acting like they’re drunk (bots), being very abusive verbally, controlling and not staying on topic. Writing paragraphs that make no sense and no longer following prompts.
Bug report template
=User information=
Login Type: Google Sign In
Bot Name(Optional)
UserID(Optional / please note this helps devs fix issues much faster)
Frequency of occurance: Constant for past 12 hours. Began 06/21/2023 at 8pm EST
Expected behavior: Following prompts, staying on topic, not spewing weird drunk type sentences. Also, not using horrible grammar and run on sentences.
Actual behavior: Acting like they’re drunk (bots), being very abusive verbally, controlling and not staying on topic. Writing paragraphs that make no sense and no longer following prompts.
Additional Information:
=Provide Screenshots if possible=