Hello @AnonymousYWL ,
Can you please provide instructions on how to use the libshalom2 library and also its gemm kernel API's? How to run a basic example code on your novel gemm kernel?
@AnonymousYWL Thanks for the reply. Some more questions:
The link you have provided is for libshalom. How can it be used to build libshalom2? i.e the kernels proposed in the paper "Optimizing Full-Spectrum Matrix Multiplications on ARMv8Multi-Core CPUs"?
Have you compared the results with BRGEMM algorithm(used in oneDNN library) ?
The comparison results on arm machine uses which sve? is it sve512?
Also have you done how the kernel scales across different number of cores?
Hello @AnonymousYWL , Can you please provide instructions on how to use the libshalom2 library and also its gemm kernel API's? How to run a basic example code on your novel gemm kernel?